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Moreton Bay Residents Rally Against State Government Mandates


Over one thousand Moreton Bay residents turned out to what was initially organised as a meeting to request that Moreton Bay Regional Council support Moreton Bay small businesses in opposing the medical mandates announced by the Qld State Government last month and which are due to come into effect on 17th December.


Most of the regions Councillors were a no-show. Brooke Savage, Division 1 Councillor, was in attendance via zoom, but did not speak at the meeting.

Federal Member for Petrie, Luke Howarth was in attendance and spoke out at the meeting against State Government mandates. He reminded the audience that the best way to take action would be to hold the State Government to account by writing to your State MP, opposing the mandates.  Federal Member for Longman, Terry Young had just come back from parliament in Canberra and could only attend the meeting via zoom link, he also spoke of being very against the mandates and supporting people’s right to choose.  He was keen to look at reviewing our constiution.

Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson spoke to the audience and gave a heartfelt personal account of how State Government Mandates have impacted her family. She assured the crowd that this is a very personal fight for her as well and highlighted that this issue is the biggest issue to face us in our lifetime.


Senator Gerard Rennick addressed the crowd via video link and offered his support.

Jason Miles from Rod Cullerton’s The Great Australia Party, talked about the treasonous removal of the great seal of the Commonwealth of Australia, by the 1973 Labor Government, led by Gough Whitlam.


The passionate crowd also heard from local teachers, nurses, paramedics and business owners.

Senator Pauline Hanson is one of the few politicians speaking up against State Government Mandates and the Federal Governments lack of action in opposing them.

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison has stated that the Australian people have done their bit and they want State Governments to step back and allow the people to return to normal living. His government, however, has shown no willingness to do any more than apply hot air against the State Government mandates.

The Queensland Government is going against the advice of the Federal Government and the health recommendations by enforcing mandates and digital passports, once the 80% saturation mark is reached, which could even occur before December 17.

“This is not about health”, Senator Hanson said, “This is about control”.

NSW will drop the passport system on December 15, allowing everyone to move freely with no segregation and Victoria is staging the removal of restrictions on the people, into early 2022. As of 25 November, domestic visitors to Victoria no longer need to get a travel permit to enter the state, regardless of their vaccination status and no longer need to quarantine.

December 4, 2021 |
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